About Alison Houghton

Alison Houghton

Alison is a calm mind/body coach who supports young adults between the ages of 16-29 to overcome anxiety, allowing them to step into the lives they imagine for themselves with purpose, clarity and confidence.

“Serious anxiety in my teens and young adult years deeply impacted the course of my life. A breakdown at University went untreated and, as a result, I developed unhealthy coping mechanisms that I carried with me throughout my adult life. Anxiety affected every aspect of my life: career decisions, my intimate relationships, and my elemental sense of self. It wasn’t until my late forties, when I was confronted with life-threatening events that forced me to finally deal with these patterns, that I discovered a way out. And with that, everything changed.

These years of late teens and early young adulthood are such important years in our lives, setting the foundation for our future. Without tools to handle the currents and undertows of life, many of us drown in anxiety and depression. If I had been given useful tools, my life would have been very, very different. As Jon Kabat-Zinn the developer of Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MSBR) has famously said, ‘You can’t stop the waves, but you can learn to surf.’ As a parent, you can give your child tools to cope with anxiety, allowing them to thrive rather than just survive, and, if you are currently suffering anxiety, it need not be permanent; there is help. “

Alison is a trained Martha Beck life coach and has spent time, since she completed her initial training, pursuing advanced training in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) techniques for working with anxiety, polyvagal theory as it applies to anxiety, and neuroscience for coaching. “I am very enthusiastic about how marvelously adaptive our brains are, and how they are designed to keep us safe. I am committed to working towards an integrated model of mental health in my own life and in the lives of those with whom I work. 

The possibilities that arise when working with young people on the cusp of progressing into their lives inspire me, and fill me with a heartfelt joy. I love partnering with them – and their families – to empower them to move forward with courage and joy.”